Sunday, 20 January 2013


Oh goodness, its been a mad month or so here, there is lots going on and not enough hours in my day.  Regardless, I have been soldiering on and getting things done and the first few weeks of the year have been especially productive. So what have I been up to?

I have been working on something new and exciting with this one and this one and this one, and you can expect more info in the next few days once all of the final little creases are ironed out.

I have been back down to Cardonald College for more printmaking workshops, and last week I was also helping teach a class.  It was hard work but worth every second, even the half a day spent helping someone screen print onto CLING FILM was worth it.

I will have some new work featured in a show themed around artists postcards;  you can read more about that here, and you should also contribute.  My submission will be a combination of new text pieces and manipulated images, something simple but bold.  I will upload some images nearer the time.

This week, I also have a small piece in a wee show at The Social in Dundee.  Normally I avoid this kind of show, but its a nice space and there will be some good work to show alongside. Its the first collage I have completed in a while, as well as being one of the smallest I have ever made at 4x8cm!!

Untitled (Some Nights). 2013

Mummifed Mouse

On my travels to Tayside Recyclers last week I came across this little mummified mouse at the bottom of a cardboard box.  Part of me wishes I had a little jar or box in my bag, I would have taken him home to give him a decent send off (displayed on my mantlepiece?)

(Click for big)

And yes, I did wash my hands afterwards. Twice.


Sea urchins
Shell casing
Beach glass
Moose tooth
Cod jaw
Interesting pebbles
Cod vertebrae.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Fun a day.

What better way to start a new year with the second ever instalment of Fun-a-day Dundee?  There is no better way!!  Its not too late to take part, so if you haven't gotten involved yet click on that there link above and get yourself signed up.

Click for big!

I haven't had the time to photograph my contribution yet, but a sneak preview will be on these here pages SOON!