Friday, 30 March 2012

More bridges

Forth Road bridge. 

Something terrifying

Jen has had a rather large and rather gross (dead) cray fish in a box beside her desk for a while.  It was out on display last week, and while these creatures always fascinate me, nothing will amuse me more than the hidden "face" underneath!  It makes me think of some kind of terrifying Samurai warrior mask!



There are six people in my studio, yet somehow in the past few months we have managed to accumulate a rather large number of chairs and stools, quite a few of which were being used to hold bags and jackets or as make-shift desk extensions.  Obviously, this was worth documenting!  After I took these photos, we found a further three which took the total to SEVENTEEN!!!

MY chair.  No one is allowed to sit on it. EVER!


Double Gazing

I have been working on glass to create new layers for my collage.  I found two double glazed windows that were being thrown out, and with the help of a very kind friend and a borrowed trolley, we brought them into the studio.  It took a little bit of effort to work out how to remove the glass, but once I had worked out the first one the rest were easy.  The fourth section was not for budging though, and it cracked in several places in my increasingly frustrated efforts to remove it!

Unfortunately, I was unable to separate the sealed units into individual sheets so I have gone back to the drawing board.  I did use the double glazed glass for a few experiments and while I believe the idea is a great one and my tutor liked the pieces I produced, Im not happy with them and will have another look at them.

A hammer and a paint scraper to remove glass!
What on earth could possibly go wrong!?

Seems to be working!!  Thumbs up!


Happy lass!!

Not exactly my most poetic words, but I guess its
still art.

I should probably add that I was in fact wearing safety goggles while doing this, just not when I was posing like a fool for these photos.  Better safe than sorry and all that!

Sunday, 18 March 2012


Check my badass knuckle tattoos y'all.

I was a little bored at home so I gave myself some nice knuckle tattoos. 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Be Beautiful

I came across these lovely little cards on my way home tonight.

Monday, 12 March 2012


I've been feeling a little blank lately when it comes to my word pieces, however this popped into my head this morning as I was walking to the studio. This is definitely one of my favourite pieces of writing that I have done this semester, and Im glad I have my creative streak back!

Bigger is better

Regular viewers may know of my wee passion for oversized, and undersized, objects (in particular food stuffs).  I saw these rather large spring onions in the shop the other day and couldn't resist.  I am a fan of spring onions, and seeing these only made my love stronger.   As usual I have used my own (standard sized) head as a size comparison. 

A big onion and me. 


Its nice to go for a walk around the Matthew Building in the evening, just as the sun goes down.  The way the light hits one specific part of this building is one of my favourite things in Dundee.

Sunset in DJCAD - March 2012

A productive day:

Chalked off most of my to-do list for today, and managed to get started on a lot of little things I had been putting off.  The rest of the week will be twice as productive!

Thursday, 1 March 2012