Friday, 30 March 2012


There are six people in my studio, yet somehow in the past few months we have managed to accumulate a rather large number of chairs and stools, quite a few of which were being used to hold bags and jackets or as make-shift desk extensions.  Obviously, this was worth documenting!  After I took these photos, we found a further three which took the total to SEVENTEEN!!!

MY chair.  No one is allowed to sit on it. EVER!



  1. I was thinking and these chairs reminded me... I would love to help create your bathroom zine! We could have a rating system and percentages!

  2. A collaborative piece!!! YES!!!

  3. I do believe the final image (chair next to sink) you have documented twice. Without this doubling up error, I insist we have a perfectly acceptable number of chairs in the studio.

  4. Well spotted Jen. I hadn't noticed my counting error! The three that went undocumented will more than make up for it!
